Spot-on alebo spot on
spot on. completely accurate or accurately. British informal. 2007 Clarissa Dickson Wright Spilling the Beans She advised her solicitors to give the money to my mother for me, as she believed my father would fail to pass it on to me. She was spot on. See also: on, spot. …
Pre malé psy a psy malých plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog M alebo Top spot on Dog L. Pre stredne veľké psy a psy stredných plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog L. Po aplikácii sa odporúča na 12 – 24 hod. obmedziť manipuláciu so zvieratami. Neodporúča sa ich pohyb na slnku. spot meaning: 1. a small, usually round area of colour that is differently coloured or lighter or darker than the…. Learn more.
spot-on adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." informal (precise, exactly right) přesný příd přídavné jméno : Označuje vlastnosti nebo vztahy podstatných jmen (např. Spot-on definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Mar 08, 2021 · Spot-on describes a means of delivering medication topically, usually on a small area of the skin, where the active ingredient is absorbed. If too much of a spot-on treatment is applied, it will cause a sticky appearance of the skin at the treatment spot. on the spot 1. At once in one's exact location; right then and there.
Podrobný popis. Hľadáte dokonalý darček? Skúste darčekové balenie Spot on so 6 jedinečnými ponožkami od firmy United Odd Socks. Značka United Odd Socks vyrába väčšinu svojich ponožiek v univerzálnej veľkosti napr. 31-39, 37-42 alebo 39-46.
My boss grilled me about the mix-up in the report, making me explain spot on meaning: 1. exactly right: 2. exactly right: . Learn more.
Jedna pipeta Advocate spot -on roztok pre malé mačky a fretky (0,4 ml) sa aplikuje jednému zvieraťu. Neprekračujte odporučené dávkovanie. Liečebná schéma musí vychádzať z miestnej epidemiologickej situácie. Liečba a prevencia infestácie blchami
2. n. a nightclub; a night spot. It was a nice little spot, with a combo and a canary. McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Look it up now! Mar 08, 2021 spot on meaning: 1. exactly right: 2. exactly right: . Learn more. on the spot 1.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. 1 being in agreement with the truth or a fact or a standard. for an inside mount for window blinds, your measurements had better be spot-on. Synonyms for spot-on. accurate, bang on. [ … Another word for spot-on: accurate, exact, precise, right, correct | Collins English Thesaurus spot on.
Technically known the anterior fornix erogenous zone, the A-spot is a pleasurable patch of sensitive tissue right at the inner ends of the vaginal tube between the cervix On-the-spot definition: On-the-spot things are done at the place that you are in at the time that you are there. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The Spot. 6,780 likes · 2 talking about this. Nový The Spot už čoskoro. Otvárame 1.1.2021. Prezri si aktuálnu kolekciu Zľavové kupóny Spot On Zima 2020/2021 na módnom portáli
Frontline Combo Spot On Cat | Tento web používa na poskytovanie služieb, personalizáciu reklám a analýzu návštevnosti súbory cookie. Spot-on definition is - exactly correct. How to use spot-on in a sentence. Define spot-on.
accurate, bang on. [ … Another word for spot-on: accurate, exact, precise, right, correct | Collins English Thesaurus spot on. completely accurate or accurately. British informal. 2007 Clarissa Dickson Wright Spilling the Beans She advised her solicitors to give the money to my mother for me, as she believed my father would fail to pass it on to me. She was spot on. See also: on, spot.
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adj. Precisely right; exact: His imitation of his boss was spot-on. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Tento liek Vám bude poskytnutý ako súčasť veterinárnej služby. spot (n.) c. 1200, "moral stain," probably from Old English splott "a spot, blot, patch (of land)," and partly from or related to Middle Dutch spotte "spot, speck." Other cognates are East Frisian spot "speck," North Frisian spot "speck, piece of ground," Old Norse spotti "small piece," Norwegian spot "spot, small piece of land." It is likely that some of these are borrowed from others, but 5 variant spot-on pre psov podľa ich veľkosti; Overené klasické spot-on pipety proti blchám i kliešťom. Obľúbené tradičné pipety s jednou účinnou látkou. TIP! Odporúčame kombinovať s antiparazitnými šampónmi a tiež sprejmi na ochranu okolia zvieraťa.
Spot-on definition is - exactly correct. How to use spot-on in a sentence.
If you put someone on the spot, you cause them embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at…. Learn more. Presne dodržujte vhodnú veľkosť balenia.
Learn more. Presne dodržujte vhodnú veľkosť balenia. Pre malé psy a psy malých plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog M alebo Top spot on Dog L. Pre stredne veľké psy a psy stredných plemien je kontraindikované podanie prípravku Top spot on Dog L. spot meaning: 1. a small, usually round area of colour that is differently coloured or lighter or darker than the….